5 Wonderful Ksheerabala Oil Benefits

Known as Bala in Ayurveda Ksheerabala oil is cooling, strengthening and considered to improve vitality and longevity. This oil blend forms an excellent nervine tonic, with anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and analgesic properties.

5 Incredible Niruha Basti Benefits

According to advocates, Niruha Basti benefits can remove waste and toxins from the colon. It is believed that non-eliminated waste can build up in the colon and lead to a host of health problems.

5 Wonderful Benefits of Sheetkari Pranayama

If you experience hot flashes or sudden heat spells the benefits of sheetkari pranayama can help out tremendously. Sheetkari Pranayama also known as the hissing breath is usually performed after practicing other asanas and pranayamas in yoga. One of the main and most commonly used benefits of sheetkari pranayama is its ability to cool down the body.

3 Benefits of a Wheatgrass Rinse for Teeth

Wheatgrass is likely the most effective way to get enough chlorophyll, but it has so many more benefits. A wheatgrass rinse for teeth is an uncommon use and has even lesser known benefits. Wheatgrass presents essential alkalizing benefits for the body, along with boosting absorption of nutrients like electrolytes, vitamin C and vitamin E. Chlorophyll, a main component of wheatgrass, has been shown to help naturally restore the body’s pH level and protect cells.