Healthy Mind
9 Astounding Orthoceras Healing Properties
Created over the millennia, orthoceras healing properties harness the life-giving elements of the Earth and the universe.
How to Build a Routine for Your Vata Dosha Lifestyle
Establishing a supportive daily routine is a crucial part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle, but it is particularly essential for a Vata dosha lifestyle.
How to Build a Routine for Your Pitta Dosha Lifestyle
Establishing a supportive daily routine is a crucial part of the Ayurvedic lifestyle, and it can be especially helpful for the pitta dosha lifestyle.
The Best Essential Oils for Your Specific Body Type
We all are unique, why wouldn’t our essential oil be?
27 Incredible Effects of Chanting Om Namah Shivaya
The effects of chanting Om Namah Shivaya is considered to be one of the most important sounds in all the universe and has been chanted for thousands of years.