The 30 Best Crystals For Panic Attacks

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Crystals are powerful healing tools. One of my favorite ways to use them is to reduce stress. Stress and anxiety can cause you to feel overwhelmed and out of control. To avoid this I have tried a few tricks to calm my nerves and keep me centered. I often get social anxiety and through trial and error have found some of the best crystals for panic attacks.

The power of crystals to clear energy and remove negativity is undeniable. Crystals are also known to bring calmness and stability to the user. By positioning them in specific ways or placing them around your home, you can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression.

Crystals have been used as a tool to heal for centuries. Humans have believed that crystals possess healing powers that can transcend the physical and emotional body. Modern science is now able to validate this belief and show us how these beneficial minerals work within our bodies.

The energy that crystals emit has been found to bring numerous benefits. Using crystals can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. They are believed to be able to shift the energy in our bodies so all of our areas of weakness are reformed into areas of strength.

Related: The Best Crystals For Manifesting and Abundance

Negative energy often becomes trapped within the body and countless disorders can develop because of this. Using crystals when meditating can help release negative energy from your system allowing you to be in a state of calmness and serenity.

The energy that causes panic attacks is either physical, emotional, or spiritual. Going through a panic attack can feel like you are dying or that your spirit is leaving your body. The best crystals for panic attacks will not only remove negative energy but also help you to be centered and focused on the current moment.

Using crystals in stressful situations can help you to stop or slow down your current thought process. The crystals will allow you to regain control over yourself and avoid negative thoughts that might make the situation worse.

On using crystals for the human body

Adding the healing power of crystals can help you build inner strength and is a great way to tackle stress management. While some people believe that crystal healing is just a placebo effect, scientific evidence has shown that alternative therapies that utilize calming stones to handle emotional stress have seen promising results.

If you experience mood swings or have a panic disorder, crystal therapy could be useful if trying to move away from anti-anxiety medication and the side effects that can cause on the physical body. Using natural tools like these various crystals in your daily life can be helpful in social situations or moments when you need anxiety relief.

On using crystals in your spiritual practice

Energy blockages can be dispersed quickly when you combine the power of crystals with your meditation or spiritual practice. An effective crystal can provide calming energy while also releasing any energy blockages. While there are different crystals to enhance psychic abilities and protect you from psychic attacks the best crystals for panic attacks should place emphasis on chakras like the solar plexus chakra and others.

No matter what crystal(s) you choose it’s a good idea to make sure you cleanse and charge them before and after you use them. Crystal care is essential to make sure any crystal you use is effective in healing any anxiety disorders. A panic attack is created when you are in a state of fear, anxiety, panic, stress, or overwhelm. These top crystals are believed to be able to alter energy so emotions are not trapped within your system.

Crystal care is essential to make sure any crystal you use is effective in healing any anxiety disorders.

Related: A Beginner’s Guide To Crystals & How To Use Them

The Best Crystals For Panic Attacks

1. Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is believed to be one of the best crystals for panic attacks because it has the ability to heal and open your heart. This pink crystal allows you to access unconditional love within your system. The Rose Quartz will release any negative energy that is preventing you from loving yourself.

2. Black Tourmaline

Negative emotions will often turn into physical pain caused by stress. The best stones for panic attacks will include Black Tourmaline because it is able to remove any energy that might be trapped within the body. This crystal is also capable of releasing energy so you are able to forgive yourself and others.

3. Smoky Quartz

Inner peace is a vital part of having a healthy mind. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Smoky Quartz because it is believed to be able to release any negative energy that might be causing you stress and anxiety. This crystal also allows you to remain calm during the emotional or spiritual upheaval.

4. Clear Quartz

The heart chakra is one of the main energy points within your system. When this chakra is blocked it can cause negative energy and emotions to build up. This energy can release itself through panic attacks, anxiety, and other emotional discomforts. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Clear Quartz because it has the ability to unblock any heart blocks that might be causing despair.

5. Green Calcite

Green calcite is believed to have the ability to soothe emotional outbursts. When you are experiencing a panic attack it can be difficult to remain calm. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Green Calcite because it has the ability to calm your system so you are able to deal with any emotional upheaval quickly and correctly.

6. Tiger Eye

During a panic attack, your thoughts can go haywire. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Tiger Eye because it has the ability to help align all of your chakras. This crystal is able to keep you focused on the current moment so you are able to calm down and regain control over your system.

7. Lapis Lazuli

This powerful stone has the ability to balance your emotions. When you suffer from panic attacks, it might be hard to control your emotions because they are all over the place. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Lapis Lazuli because it has the ability to keep negative energy locked within its system. This energy will not be released until you are ready and able to deal with it.

8. Black Obsidian

The throat chakra is blocked when you are dealing with panic attacks. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Black Obsidian because it has the ability to open up your throat chakra so you are able to release any negative energy or emotions that might be causing your system to shut down.

9. Blue Lace Agate Crystals

The right crystals will allow you to remain calm during a panic attack. Blue Lace Agate Crystals will keep your energy flowing so you are not feeling overwhelmed by any negative power. This crystal will open up the crown chakra and release the energy trapped within your system.

10. Lithium Quartz

Panic attacks are often caused by stress. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Lithium Quartz because it has the ability to keep your energy flowing so you are not overcome with negative power or stress. This crystal also works on an emotional level, releasing any fear or anxiety that might be trapped within your system.

11. Howlite

The root chakra is blocked when you are suffering from panic attacks. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Howlite because it has the ability to open up your root chakra so that negative emotions are able to be released in a positive way. This crystal is also great for keeping you calm during any kind of spiritual or emotional upheaval.

12. Banded Agate

Too much negative energy can lead to panic attacks. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Banded Agate because it has the ability to keep your focus on what is happening in the present moment so that you are able to release any negative energy or emotions without having an emotional outburst.

13. Azurite

Positive energy is the best way to deal with panic attacks. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Azurite because it will align your heart, throat, and third eye chakras so that positive energy is able to flow through your system. This crystal also has the ability to keep you focused on what is happening in the present moment instead of worrying about what might happen in the future.

14. Lepidolite

Lepidolite is one of the best crystals for panic attacks because of its healing properties. It is able to calm your nervous system so that you are not overcome with negative energy. This crystal also has the ability to keep your mind focused on what is happening in the present moment so you are able to deal with your negative emotions without having a full-blown panic attack.

15. Celestite

For some people, panic attacks are caused by the loss of a loved one. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and the best crystals for panic attacks will include Celestite because it has the ability to heal your mind so you are able to deal with your emotions and negative energy in a healthy way.

16. Green Malachite

An emotional balance is important when you are dealing with panic attacks. The best crystals for panic attacks will include Green Malachite because it is able to stimulate your heart and throat chakras so you are able to express how you feel. This crystal also has the ability to help you find your voice so that you are able to find your true self instead of hiding behind a false personality.

17. Aquamarine

This green blue stone is one of the best crystals for panic attacks because it has the ability to clear out any negative energy. It is also extremely effective at protecting you from negative outside influences. If you are feeling overwhelmed, program your Aquamarine stone with the intention of helping you overcome any negative thoughts that might be causing your panic attacks.

18. Chrysocolla

Chrysocolla is one of the best crystals for panic attacks because it has the ability to stimulate the throat chakra, allowing you to express your thoughts and emotions in a healthy way. This crystal also has the ability to clear out negative energy, allowing you to feel more in control of your emotions.

19. Green Aventurine

This great crystal is one of the best crystals for panic attacks because it has the ability to stimulate your heart chakra. Green Aventurine is able to do this by drawing in positive energy from the earth and sending this positive energy right into your heart chakra, allowing you to feel more in control of how you think and feel.

20. Carnelian

Your energy center is just as important as your physical heart, and the best crystals for panic attacks are Carnelian Crystals because they have the ability to stimulate your root chakra. This crystal is able to do this by bringing in positive energy from the earth which can then be sent into your root center, allowing you to feel more protected against anything negative.

21. Hematite

Negative energies can be a big part of panic attacks, and the best crystals for panic attacks will include Hematite because it is able to draw in negative energy and send it towards the earth. This crystal has the ability to transform negative thoughts into more positive thoughts, allowing you to deal with your emotions in a healthier way.

22. Rhodochrosite

This is a great crystal to have on hand when you are feeling overwhelmed by negative energy. It is able to cleanse your body of any bad influences while also stimulating your root chakra. Rhodochrosite is able to do this by drawing in negative energy and sending it back towards the earth, allowing you to feel the positive effects of the earth.

23. Yellow Calcite

This powerful crystal is one of the best crystals for panic attacks because it has the ability to cleanse and purify. It is able to do this by drawing in any negative energies that might be draining you of your positive energy. Yellow Calcite sends these negative energies back towards the earth, allowing you to feel more protected against anything negative.

24. Jade

Jade is an excellent crystal to use on a daily basis because it has the ability to make you feel more balanced and calm. This helpful stone is able to do this by drawing in negative energy and sending it back towards the earth. This crystal is able to do this by drawing in negative energy, allowing you to feel more protected against anything negative.

25. Jasper

This soothing stone has the ability to re-energize your chakras and allow you to feel a sense of stability. Jasper is able to do this because it has the ability to cleanse your body by drawing in negative energy and sending it back towards the earth.

26. Golden Rutilated Quartz

This excellent stone is able to stimulate your heart chakra and allow you to feel more balanced. It has the ability to do this by drawing in positive energy and sending it back towards the earth. This helpful crystal is able to do this by drawing in any negative energies that might be draining you, and sending them back towards the earth.

27. Green Tourmaline

This gentle stone is one of the best crystals for panic attacks because it is able to stimulate your heart chakra. Green tourmaline has the ability to do this by drawing in positive energy from the earth which is then sent into your heart chakra, allowing you to feel more in control of how you think and feel.

28. Bloodstone

Bloodstone is able to re-energize your chakra and allow you to feel emotional healing. This powerful crystal has the ability to do this by drawing in negative energy that is present and then sending it back towards the earth.

29. Turquoise

This stone is able to stimulate your throat chakra and help you feel more balanced. Turquoise has the ability to do this by trapping in any negative energy that might be present in your life.

30. Ametrine

This stone is able to stimulate your third-eye chakra and allow you to feel emotionally balanced. Ametrine has the ability to do this by trapping in any negative energy that might be draining you of your positive emotion.

The best crystals for panic attacks can help you feel less overwhelmed when dealing with negative energy. The stone that is the most effective in cleansing your body of any bad influences while also stimulating a root chakra will depend on what type of stones work best for you and how they make you feel emotional.

It’s important to cultivate mental clarity in your everyday life and be sure that you are surrounding yourself with positive energy. The negative energies you might be dealing with from panic attacks can cause a lot of emotional damage if you aren’t careful. What’s important is to know that you have a choice in your life and that you deserve to feel free to be yourself.

Crystals have a unique power and can influence each person differently. An easy way to find out which one might be right for you is by researching their individual properties. If all else fails, I recommend starting with Hematite because it has been shown to draw in negative energies and send them back towards earth—allowing anyone using this crystal to feel more protected against anything negative.