Top 5 Vata Dosha Characteristics

The Vata Dosha holds the characteristics of the elements ether and air. Vata is in control of our energy and movement as well as for nervous system. Breathing, communication, circulation, and digestion are all the ruled by Vata dosha characteristics. A person with a Vata dosha characteristic will have physical and mental states that mirror the elemental properties of Space and Air.

Top 5 Pitta Dosha Characteristics

Pitta dosha characteristics can mirror Fire and Water, like a fiery disposition and oily skin. While one dosha rules in most people, a second dosha typically has a powerful impact.

3 Benefits of Bentonite Clay for Fibroids

Fibroids may sound harmless as compared to cancer tumors, but they can have some very discomforting symptoms and may even lead to pregnancy related complications. What we do know is that there are natural treatments like using bentonite clay for fibroids.

How to Dilute Tea Tree Oil for Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is a common problem which is difficult to deal with. Nail fungus does not look attractive. When your feet or hands become infected your nails become yellowed, thickened and brittle, it can be embarrassing and sometimes even painful. Knowing how to dilute tea tree oil for toenail fungus can give you relief. Tea tree oil has become a popular essential oil owing to the powerful anti-fungal it contains. It’s a popular treatment for many conditions, including toenail fungus. 

Can Essential Oils Dissolve Bunions?

There are a lot of essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties which may ease the pain and resolve the swelling with bunions. Massaging the bunion allows the synovial fluid to move around the joint and dissolve the excess calcium hardened in the bunion, potentially shrinking its size.

The Best Essential Oils for Swimmer’s Ear

Swimmer’s ear occurs when water gets trapped in the ear. When water gets trapped it can create the perfect environment for bacteria or fungus. This can also lead to inflammation, irritation, and infection. Using essential oils for swimmer’s ear can help you naturally treat this issue quickly and effectively.

7 Ways to Get Rid of a Callus on Pinky Toe

A callus on pinky toe is your body’s defense mechanism to protect against rubbing over little bone spurs. Although they aren’t necessarily welcome, calluses protect the foot from damage. Usually caused poorly fitting shoes, but how you walk (your gait) or the bone structure of your feet may make you more prone to a callus on pinky toe. In most cases, you can take steps at home to care to get rid of a callus.

Ginger Brew Salabat Benefits

Ginger brew salabat can boost fat burning, alleviate inflammation and even control cholesterol and blood sugar. Drinking ginger brew salabat may help with everything from motion sickness to cancer prevention.