How To Get Rid Of Blackheads On Inner Thighs

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Blackheads are one of the most common forms of acne and while most people expect them to pop up on faces, blackheads are more like an equal opportunity type of problem. Blackheads can show up practically anywhere on the body, including on your face, neck, chest, back, and even on the inner thighs. While most people know how to handle them when they are on the face, knowing how to remove blackheads on inner thighs can take a little more work.

The skin on your inner thigh is different than the skin on your face. In fact, the skin on your inner thighs is thicker and more oily than the rest of your body because it has to be able to deal with friction from being rubbed. This means that blackheads can be a little harder to remove from this area. Because of this, blackheads, dark spots, and blemishes are common and can create the appearance of dark inner thighs.

Blackheads form when pores become clogged with a combination of dead skin cells and excess oil (sebum) from your sebaceous glands. This skin condition is caused by sebum oil glands, an oily substance produced by your sebaceous glands to lubricate your skin. Bacterial infection occurs when sebum oil is unable to flow freely out of the pore. The excess sebum builds up inside, creating a dark spot that can become a blackhead.

Blackheads are a common skin problem and can be caused by a few other factors like hormonal changes, stress, and even smoking. Even though blackheads form from dead skin cells and oil, you can’t just use any facial cleanser to remove them. It’s easy to think of trying to pull or press the black plug out, but this can cause significant scarring and other harm to your skin. It’s important that you care for the skin on your thighs with a gentle and effective skin regimen.

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How To Get Rid Of Blackheads On Inner Thighs


Regular exfoliation is the best method to remove dead skin from your face, but this is especially important because so many of the dead skin cells have a chance of clogging your pores because they are right next to them instead of being on the surface. Exfoliating the affected area is an important step and it helps get rid of excess sebum from your pores, deal with ingrown hair follicles, reducing the chances of plugging them up. Use a gentle exfoliating scrub once or twice a week to remove dead skin cells, avoid too much sebum, and bring the oil to the surface so it can be removed.

Do it Right: The first step is to look for an exfoliating product for inner thigh blackheads that has aha (alpha hydroxy acids),glycolic acid, lactic acid (my personal favorite), or salicylic acid, as these ingredients are the most gentle and effective at removing dead skin cells. Do not exfoliate if you have recently waxed your inner thigh area as that can further irritate the area.

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When you exfoliate, it can leave your skin feeling tight and dry. You’ll want to use a moisturizing product after exfoliating so that your skin feels more hydrated. Look for products with glycerin, hyaluronic acid, or dimethicone as these ingredients are especially beneficial for hydrating skin.

Do it Right: After exfoliating at night, smooth on an oil-free moisturizer or one with natural ingredients over your inner thighs.

Coconut oil can be a lifesaver when it comes to removing blackheads. This oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help your skin fight the buildup of bacteria and dead skin cells whenever you’re experiencing breakouts. Coconut oil can also help with hydration, which is essential for keeping blackheads away.

Olive oil is another great oil that can be used to keep your pores free from excess sebum. It has the ability to soften and dislodge blackheads, remove dead skin cells, and even fight acne.

Honey is a natural humectant that will bind moisture to your skin and help reduce the look of blackheads by unclogging pores and removing bacteria. Honey also has antibacterial properties that work just as well as coconut oil for getting rid of acne scars.

Apple cider vinegar balances skin’s pH levels so it doesn’t become too oily or dry out at the same time. Apple cider vinegar contains alpha-hydroxy acids which unclog pores, reducing chances of developing blackheads.

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Blackhead Extractor

The appearance of blackheads usually come to the surface during exfoliation and you can extract them with a blackhead extractor (also known as an extractor tool or comedone extractor). Most of these tools are really inexpensive and can be found at beauty supply stores or online easily. They look like tweezers, but they have a tiny loop at the end that is perfect for grabbing blackheads. Here’s how to use one:

Do it Right: Soak your skin in warm water for 5-10 minutes or wipe your thighs with a warm wet washcloth to open up pores.

Grab the blackhead with the extractor tool by placing the tool so that the loop is on top do that you’re grabbing the blackheads on inner thighs from below.

Pull your skin tight and gently but firmly press the extractor tool against your skin to secure its grip around the blackhead. Squeeze a few times until you feel suction release, then gently pull upwards in one smooth motion to remove the plug from your skin.

Important: If it hurts, you’re doing too much squeezing! Be gentle and only use the amount of pressure necessary to remove the plug without harming your skin or causing a fungal infection. You don’t want to cause any tearing or damage that can lead to scarring.

This method will work on most blackheads on your inner thighs but don’t be surprised if it doesn’t work on some blackheads. Some blackheads are too deep to pull out easily using this method. If you’re having trouble with any of the ones that won’t come out, you’ll want to consider an exfoliation process that uses a chemical exfoliant.

Skin Brush

Using a skin brush on blackheads on inner thighs is a great way to exfoliate and stimulate the blood flow in the area, which keeps your skin looking fresh and healthy. You can use any type of bristle or hair on top of the brush because you don’t have to worry about damaging delicate facial skin.

Do it Right: Moisturize your inner thighs for a couple of minutes before you brush to prevent dryness and irritation. Begin at the top of your inner thighs and brush in a circular motion, making sure you go over any areas that feel extra dirty or oily to make sure they are fully cleansed. You’ll want to finish by brushing upwards along the inside of your thigh where much of your leg’s lymphatic drainage occur

Clay Detox Mask

Doing a clay mask on your thighs will help draw out any impurities and remove excess oil from your skin that may be causing blackheads. It also contains ingredients that will help tighten pores and leave you with fewer to no blackheads at all.

Do it Right: Apply a generous layer to your inner thighs, avoiding sensitive areas. Allow the mask to dry (about 15-20 minutes), then rinse it off thoroughly before applying moisturizer.

Topical Treatment

This method won’t exfoliate your skin, but it can help dry up blackheads so that when you do exfoliate, the plugs are much easier to remove. You can use any topical spot treatment for blackheads, but try to avoid ones that contain benzoyl peroxide because they tend to be irritating and may dry out your skin excessively.

Do it Right: Apply a small amount of the topical treatment product to the affected blackhead areas. You may want to apply it after doing an exfoliating scrub so that the area is nice and clean before treatment. Allow the product to sit and absorb into your skin for about 30 minutes before applying moisturizer.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains alpha hydroxy acid, which can help dissolve the plugs in your blackheads while also leaving you with refreshed, softer skin. You can use lemon juice on its own or mixed together with equal amounts of water and honey to keep it from being too harsh on your skin.

Do it Right: Combine 3-4 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice (or 1/2 cup bottled) with 1 tablespoon of honey and 2 tablespoons of water. Apply mixture to clean dry skin using cotton pads or a sponge applicator. Allow the mask to sit for 5 minutes before rinsing off all residue. Finish by moisturizing after rinsing off this treatment.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe vera gel is made from the plant itself and contains ingredients that can help tighten pores, soothe dry skin, and reduce inflammation. It’s gentle enough for sensitive skin so you won’t have to worry about irritating your thighs with it.

Do it Right: Apply a generous amount of aloe vera gel to clean dry skin in circular motions using your fingertips. Allow the gel to sit on your skin for 5-10 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. Finish by moisturizing after drying off.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil contains natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a great topical treatment for blackheads. It’s gentle enough to apply to your face, but can also be used on other areas of the body like the inner thighs.

Do it Right: Dab some pure tea tree oil onto your fingers before applying directly to the affected areas. Allow it to sit for 30 minutes before rinsing with water so you don’t feel any stinging or discomfort from the oil. Finish by moisturizing after drying off.

Hydrocortisone Cream

Using hydrocortisone cream is one of the easiest ways to reduce inflammation, redness, and swelling of skin irritations – including blackheads.. It won’t completely get rid of blackheads, but it will give you some relief when they seem to be at their worst.

Do it Right: Make sure the affected area is clean and dry before applying a thin layer of hydrocortisone cream in a circular motion. Allow it to sit for 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with water so your thighs aren’t irritated by the cream. Finish by moisturizing after drying off completely.

Putting It All Together:

The best way to start is to start with home remedies and exfoliate once or twice a week with a gentle scrub, then moisturize afterward to prevent dryness and tighten pores. Pull your blackheads out while they’re fresh using an extractor tool and minimize the amount of pressure you use so you don’t cause any damage to your skin. Give your thighs a good exfoliation with a body brush before applying a detox mask weekly to draw out impurities and minimize blackheads.

Because the skin on your thighs is thicker than the skin on your face, it will likely be more resistant to blackhead removal. Poor hygiene, dehydration, and using the wrong products for your skin type all contribute to blackheads. It’s been said that there is no substitute for hard work. The same goes for getting rid of those annoying blackheads. You may need to try a few different products and it may take a long time before you find the one that is best for you and works in tandem with your natural processes to keep blackheads away.

The best treatment and effective way to keep the skin dry and reduce the oil you have on the surface of the skin, while moisturizing and exfoliating regularly. Other tips to reduce the chances of developing blackheads on inner thighs:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes to keep skin pores from clogging due to sweat glands and body oils.
  • Rinse with cool water after working out to close skin pores.
  • Clean your inner thighs thoroughly every day with the right cleanser.
  • Treat yourself to a weekly body mask that will cleanse, tighten and minimize pores.
  • Apply powder to thighs to soak up sweat and oily skin on a daily basis.
  • Shower or bath right after you exercise with liquid soaps so the oil and sweat on your thighs don’t stay against your skin for too long.
  • Keep your nails short when using an extractor tool so you avoid scratching or tearing delicate upper inner thigh skin.
  • It’s a good idea to wear oil-free sunscreen on your thighs when you’re going to be outside for a while.
  • Scrub the inside of your thighs with a body brush before showering to loosen up any built-up dead skin and oil so it can wash away more easily.
  • Use antibacterial soap or cleanser on your inner thighs if they tend to get dirty or greasy faster than the rest of your body parts.

It’s important to note, acne mechanica also contributes to blackheads. It can occur on the thighs, groin area, and buttocks due to “heat, pressure, and rubbing”. The causes are frequent cycling, obesity, and skin rubbing together. This acne can also be treated using the methods above. Severe cases may require the help of a dermatologist to create a treatment plan.

Your skincare routine to reduce blackheads starts by using gentle cleansers, then exfoliating and moisturizing regularly. Try to get into a habit of giving yourself an at-home facial scrub once or twice a week for better results. Be aware that the skin on your thighs is thicker than the skin on your face so you may need to be patient with treatments.

Bar soaps are the worst kind to use when washing this part of your body. They don’t remove oil effectively, and they leave behind a residue that can clog pores even more than normal. Instead, opt for an antibacterial cleanser or body wash that will give you better cleansing power without stripping away too much moisture.

Mechanical exfoliation is the closest thing you’ll get to a professional facial scrub at home. You can use a washcloth or exfoliating brush such as those found in body scrubs. This will help get rid of the buildup on your skin that could potentially lead to blackheads and other skin problems.

If you’re looking for a good exfoliator with enzymes, look no further. These are great for sloughing off dead skin cells on the surface of your thighs so they don’t get trapped in pores and make blackheads more noticeable. This single step is one of the most effective ways to keep pores clear and minimize blackheads on inner thighs. A chemical peel can also help by removing dead skin cells from the top layer.

Skin irritation can occur when trying to combat the formation of blackheads on inner thighs. You should avoid using body scrubs that are too harsh or that use sharp particles like salt or sugar. The skin on your upper inner thighs is sensitive, so it’s important to be gentle and choose the right solution for you before you begin treatment.

There are many treatment options but the best course to take when you want to remove blackheads on inner thighs is a gentle and gradual one. Start with an over-the-counter exfoliant and moisturizer, then move on to scrub or mask if those don’t work. Chemical exfoliation and spot treatments can also help, as long as they don’t irritate your skin. Common skin problems like blackheads don’t have to be unsightly and permanent if you take the right steps now. If that still doesn’t do the trick, it may be time to consult your doctor.

Blackhead breakouts on the inner thighs are most commonly a result of clogged pores, so it’s best to work on a daily routine for keeping them clean and clear. The good news is with time and patience, the appearance of blackheads on inner thighs can fade significantly. Many people notice a difference after just a few weeks of following an at-home skincare regimen. Be sure to drink plenty of water, eat a healthy diet, and avoid picking or squeezing to help your skin bounce back.

For most people with blackheads on inner thighs, the solution is simply using products that are designed for sensitive skin types. This will ensure they’re gentle enough to use regularly without irritating the skin on the inside of your thighs. In the end, having clear skin on your thighs is all about finding the right skincare products for your body’s unique needs. It’s not impossible, so be patient, use these tips, and soon you will have clear skin on your thighs that looks great in shorts.