Learn Your Ayurvedic Body Type Welcome to your Find Your DoshaHow is your skin? My skin is dry, rough or thin. My skin is often flushed, reddish in color and prone to irritation. My skin is thick, moist and smooth. None How would you describe your body temperature? My hands and feet are usually cold and I prefer warm environments. I am usually warm, regardless of the season, and prefer cooler environments. I am adaptable to most temperatures but do not like cold, wet days. None How would you describe your elimination? Light and I am often constipated. Strong, bowel movements are regular. Loose, sticky, difficult to wipe off. None Which statement best describes you? I am creative and imaginative, I enjoy artistic forms of expression, and mind is active or often restless. I enjoy competition, I have a natural ability to lead others, and I am goal oriented and achieve anything to which I put my mind I prefer a slow, relaxed lifestyle, I am methodical in my actions, I am calm in nature and not easily angered. None Which method do you prefer to be shown or show affection? Words Gifts Touch None Under stress, which statement describes you? I become anxious and/or worried. I become irritable and/or aggressive. I become withdrawn and/or reclusive. None How would you describe your memory? I learn quickly and forget quickly I learn quickly and remember longterm I learn slowly but remember longterm. None How is your social circle? I have many connections but they're light and casual. I am selective and intentional about my connections. I am a loyal person with few but longterm connections. None How does your body manage weight? I may forget to eat or have a tendency to lose weight. It is easy for me to gain or lose weight if I put my mind to it. I gain weight easily and have difficulty losing it. None How would you describe your relationship with gaining weight? underweight; I lose weight easily, but often struggle to gain weight. steady, consistent, and reflective of my medium build; at my healthiest, I am neither rail thin nor stocky. stocky and often at least slightly overweight; I gain weight quite easily, and generally struggle to lose it. None How would you describe your body temperature? My hands and feet are usually cold and I prefer warm environments. I am usually warm, regardless of the season, and prefer cooler environments. I am adaptable to most temperatures but do not like cold, wet days. None Do you enjoy competition? Yes No None Enter your email address to receive a copy of your results and additional resources for your dosha. Email Time's up