10 Baking Soda Enema Health Benefits

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Enemas are a great treatment if you’re constipated. They also help stimulate the liver to detoxify your body, clean out your intestinal tract, clear up acne, keep you smelling fresh, and help you lose weight. A baking soda enema may relieve many problems associated with your digestive systems, such as stomach ulcers, constipation, and heartburn.1

Surgical procedures, antibiotics, and other prescription medications may disrupt the balance of bacteria in your intestines (gastrointestinal flora). The “good” bacteria help to metabolize food so your body can absorb the nutrients and eliminate wastes. Baking soda helps to restore the balance of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract.

Sodium bicarbonate is a type of bicarbonate that is used in medicine and baking. It’s an antacid and can help prevent and relieve heartburn, indigestion, and upset stomach. It can also help to clear up urine that has a strong odor or is dark yellow in color due to an excess of the pigment urochrome, caused by liver or kidney problems.2

A baking soda enema is used to treat digestive problems that are caused by an overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers and irritable bowel disorder (IBS). It can help to reduce inflammation and balance microflora (healthy bacteria) in the intestines.3


In the past doctors prescribed enemas to patients who were constipated or had abdominal pain. Until recently, enemas were used as a remedy for conditions such as:

  • headaches
  • heartburn and indigestion
  • kidney
  • back pain
  • depression  
  • venereal disease

However, the use of enemas in modern society has been controversial, especially when done for weight loss. Modern doctors do not prescribe enemas unless there is a specific medical condition requiring an enema.4

Today, you can find an enema kit and enema solution at most pharmacies or drugstores. Enema kits usually contain a container, enema bulb, enema bag, lubricant (to help the nozzle slide smoothly), and a length of rubber tubing.

A baking soda cleansing enema is a great way to detoxify your body. There are also types of enemas to treat other health problems or provide benefits, such as yeast, parasites, and asthma.5

  • coffee enema (for energy)
  • apple cider vinegar enema (weight loss)
  • sea salt enemas (also called saltwater cleansing enemas)
  • lemon juice enemas (for detoxing)

The main function of enema cleansing is to rid the body of toxins and waste buildup. A cleansing enema is an excellent way to detox your body and bowel. Baking soda helps to restore the balance of bacteria in your intestinal tract.6

1. Relieves constipation

A baking soda enema can help relieve constipation to help with the process of having a bowel movement. When fecal matter is allowed to remain in the colon undigested and uneliminated, it creates a breeding ground for microorganisms and putrefaction processes. A baking soda enema can help restore regularity by removing old fecal matter and cleaning the colon walls. It also increases peristalsis, the contraction of the muscles in your intestines to help push waste out.7

2. Can relieve indigestion, heartburn, nausea, and upset stomach

Baking soda enema health benefits can relieve indigestion, heartburn, nausea, and upset stomach. It works as an antacid to neutralize stomach acids. Baking soda absorbs the acid and bicarbonate ion helps to increase the gastric juices in your stomach. A homemade enema can relieve flatulence (gas), stomach bloating, vomiting, and nausea.8

3. Might help with IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects the large intestine. Symptoms include bloating, abdominal pain, cramping, constipation or diarrhea. Studies show that baking soda enemas can offer relief from the symptoms of IBS. The human body is alkaline by nature, but the intestine is slightly acidic. IBS symptoms are worsened due to too much acidity in the intestine. The baking soda enema benefits the body by restoring the pH levels in the intestine to neutral. This can help with symptoms such as cramping and diarrhea.9

4. Helps with hemorrhoids

A baking soda enema is good for hemorrhoids because it relieves swelling, inflammation, and pain. It also improves blood supply to the affected area and anal canal. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in your rectum and anus. The enema can help reduce the itching, burning sensation, pain, and irritation. They can also reduce the risk of developing more hemorrhoids.10

5. Improves digestive tract health

A baking soda enema is good for your digestive tract because it restores the pH levels in your intestines to a normal range. The digestive system is a finely controlled system of enzymes and hormones. Baking soda helps to restore the natural balance in your intestinal tract. It also kills harmful bacteria and parasites.11

An electrolyte imbalance also causes indigestion, heartburn, bloating, gas, and nausea. Baking soda is an alkaline substance that helps with the loss of electrolytes.

6. May help treat yeast infections

Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt) can irritate the skin. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is safer to use, and it helps restore the natural pH levels in your body. Baking soda can neutralize acidity, and it’s an antiseptic that helps fight yeast infections.12

7. Weight loss

The lower bowel is around 5 feet long. During the day, your body absorbs water and nutrients from digested food. The water is reabsorbed by the large intestine, which is why you feel so bloated when you go to the bathroom. A cleansing enema can help rid your body of excess water and nutrients, which can result in weight loss.

8. May improve energy levels

A baking soda enema detoxes your entire digestive tract. This removes harmful impurities and toxins from your body. Detoxing can help improve energy levels so you feel more awake, alert, and more energetic.

9. Helps with urinary tract infections

A baking soda enema can help relieve symptoms of a urinary tract infection (UTI), such as pain, burning, and inflammation. This is because baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties. The sodium bicarbonate in baking soda inhibits the growth of bacteria and helps control the pH levels in your urinary tract.

10. Can help with kidney problems

Your kidneys filter waste from the blood. If your kidneys are not functioning properly, it can lead to an accumulation of waste products in the blood. A baking soda enema helps cleanse and detoxify your kidneys. It helps to remove excess fluid and toxins that have accumulated in your body from kidney failure or malfunction.

What’s the difference between an enema and a colonic?

A colonic is where a tube is inserted into your rectum and water or coffee is flushed through the tube to clear out the large intestine. During a colonic, water is also infused with a baking soda solution in order to alkalize the colon so it can better absorb nutrients from waste matter. A colonic uses large amounts of water to flush out the intestines, and this has been known to cause cramping.

A baking soda enema is where a tube is inserted into your rectum and a baking soda solution is used to infuse the colon for about 12 minutes. It does not require any additional equipment or preparation outside of mixing up the ingredients before inserting them into your body. Baking soda enemas are done at home rather than in a medical setting, which means they’re more affordable compared to colonics (which can cost $75-$125 each time).

How often should you do a baking soda enema?

You can also use a baking soda enema for constipation relief. If you’re only doing it once or twice a week, try to space out the days so that there are at least two days of rest between each session. This will allow your body time to digest any waste matter before further flushing it out with the next enema.

For other ailments such as sinus infections, ear infections (for adults), yeast infections, or UTIs, try to space out your enemas for a minimum of six hours apart. This will allow time for the relief from symptoms and the healing process to happen before you stimulate and cleanse the area again


How To Use A Baking Soda Enema

If this is your first time, it is a good idea to consult with a healthcare provider and have a medical examination before home use of enemas. While customary enema usage is safe, if not done slowly and properly and with clean equipment, they can cause serious problems. It’s important to sterilize all equipment and start with an empty stomach and bladder before proceeding.

Using a homemade enema can be harmful if you aren’t careful, so don’t dive right in and start trying different recipes for baking soda enemas that you find online. The best way to begin an introduction of the baking soda enema is by learning how to use an enema correctly, the benefits, and the risks will help you decide if it’s something that could be beneficial for you. Here is a full tutorial on administration.

Baking soda enema recipe


  1. Mix the water and baking soda together until there are no lumps.
  2. Slowly pour the mixture into the bottle, add salt and shake thoroughly.
  3. Squeeze out the plastic tubing to remove any air bubbles then screw it onto the bottle.
  4. Hang the bag on a towel rack or shower curtain rod, and place a small pillow over a toilet seat to help support your back. Make sure to keep your lower stomach and pelvic region empty for at least an hour before the procedure as well as during the enema.
  5. Use the clamp to control the flow of liquid, and insert the tip into your rectum. Slowly release the clamp and let the fluid enter your body. Try to avoid removing the tip while it’s inside your body, as this will reduce the chance of any discomfort.

When you are finished, clamp off the tubing and remove it from your rectum. Sit on the toilet to expel any remaining liquid. Clean the equipment with dish soap and hot water.

Baking soda enema for colon cancer?

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that using a baking soda enema can help cure or prevent colon cancer. In fact, there are potential risks and side effects associated with this type of enema that should not be taken lightly.

If you are considering using a baking soda enema to treat colon cancer, it is best to speak with your doctor first. They can help you weigh the pros and cons of this treatment and advise you on the best course of action for your individual situation.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

  • In rare cases, a baking soda enema can cause the lining of the rectum to rupture. This is because it can bring fluids into contact with tissues that are normally dry. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully and do not ingest baking soda water during this process.
  • Pregnant women or people with heart conditions should avoid this treatment, as it can induce contractions in the uterus.
  • Baking soda can cause elevated levels of sodium in your blood, so if you have a history of heart problems, consult with your doctor first.
  • If you have severe constipation or on a regular basis see blood on the toilet paper after going to the bathroom, it’s best to have a professional check your symptoms.
  • Baking soda enema for colon cancer?
  • There is no scientific evidence to support the claim that using a baking soda enema can help cure or prevent colon cancer. In fact, there are potential risks and side effects associated with this type of enema that should not be taken lightly.
  • If you are considering using a baking soda enema to treat colon cancer, it is best to speak with your doctor first. They can help you weigh the pros and cons of this treatment and advise you on the best course of action for your individual situation.