If your bathroom habits are trying to tell you something, take the hint and read these tips on how to unconstipate yourself. It’s important to give your lower bowels attention and to be mindful of your gut health. Constipation occurs when bowel movements become less frequent and stools become difficult to pass. It happens most often due to changes in diet or routine, or due to inadequate intake of fiber.
Also it’s important to keep in mind that age, gender, and health status all affect the number of bowel movements you experience in a given day. While there is not a specific number bowel movements a person should have, it’s possibly dangerous to go three or fewer times per week.
Often, constipation causes bowel movements that are not only infrequent but also hard and difficult to pass. This leads to excessive straining and time spent on the toilet.
Figuring out how to unconstipate yourself can be a sensitive topic, especially if you are not as comfortable talking to those you are close to about bowel movements. But everyone poops, well at least they will after reading these tips and video below:
Eat Breakfast
Eating breakfast is extremely important when trying to unconstipate yourself. Going without breakfast means your gastrocolic reflex isn’t triggered at its most alert time,’ says gastroenterologist Peter Whorwell. The reflex to poo is usually prompted when you put food in your stomach, but if you don’t do this in the morning, the urge often goes. This can lead to constipation or IBS.
‘If eating breakfast doesn’t work, try raising your fiber intake to 30g a day,’ recommends nutritionist Angela Dowden. ‘Fiber is the missing link in bowel health for many of us.
Stay Colon Clever
Your gut health can go off balance, making you feel nauseous or bloated, especially if you’ve taken antibiotics. Prebiotics feed the good bugs in your stomach, help unconstipate, and keep your intestines working properly. Probiotic yogurts can help rebalance good bacteria. They can also be beneficial if you suffer from IBS. But, they can be full of sugar, so try supplements with 10 billion microorganisms per gram, as well as natural live yogurt.
Take Your Time
If you strain when you go to the loo, you risk developing piles, or, if it’s a long-term bad habit, prolapse. When learning how to unconstipate yourself avoid straining. People who are constipated strain more because they have a hypersensitive rectum and think there’s more in there’ says Peter. Try not to be in a hurry when nature calls. Take enough time to answer it properly.
Start Moving
Studies have linked sedentary lifestyles with an increased risk of constipation. Because of this, some healthcare experts recommend increasing exercise to get the stool moving. Try doing some gentle exercise — such as going for regular walks, swimming, cycling, or jogging — to see if it helps.
Don’t Hold Back
Don’t delay going to the bathroom – it can cause long-term constipation, a blocked bowel, and even fecal leakage. It’s also said toxins can cross the gut barrier into the rest of the body. ‘You could also develop anismus, or obstructed defecation, where instead of relaxing, the anus contracts – so it’s like pushing against a closed door,’ says Peter. It can be treated but prevention is better, so make sure to go when you need to.
Need more on how to unconstipate yourself? Check out the video below by a fellow healthy hueman at Mind Body Soul