How to Create a Daily Foot Care Routine

By Alex K

Who needs a professional pedicure when you have a daily foot care routine? We often neglect our feet, but they can actually be a mirror of our overall health. So it’s important to acknowledge the significant role our tootsies have on our total well-being. Since early humans developed the ability to walk upright, our feet have performed one of the most important functions of our entire body.

They need to be strong enough to absorb the shock of our weight with each step; nimble enough to perform intricate movements that allow us to pivot, rise on our toes, and leap; as well as stable enough to ensure good posture and prevent us from falling.

Nine out of 10 adults have suffered from foot pain or another foot-related lower limb ailment at some point in their lives, yet 78% don’t prioritize their feet when it comes to caring for their physical wellbeing, according to research.

One of the most common but serious foot conditions is plantar fasciitis, which causes a deep ache or shooting pain in the heel. Metatarsalgia is another common condition where the ball of the foot becomes so inflamed, it can be unbearable to stand or walk. Pain could also mean there’s a muscle imbalance or reduced blood flow and pooling in the legs. Seeing a podiatrist is essential if you have foot pain.

Showing your feet the same attention as your other limbs is important and all the more reason to give them love with a daily foot care routine.

What should a perfect foot look like?

It doesn’t matter what your foot looks like – what matters is how it feels, and your foot shouldn’t hurt. You have the perfect feet for you if they can tolerate whatever activity you are doing.

Your occupational and sports activities, choice of footwear, and foot hygiene are among the many factors that influence foot health. In order to remain “on the ball”, your feet need a daily foot care routine.

Here are a few tips to create a daily foot care routine:

  1. Maintain excellent hygiene daily, use a gentle soap, rinse your feet well after washing them, and dry them before putting on your socks. Foot filing should always be done on dry skin.
  2. Keep areas of hardened skin or calluses under control with a foot file.
    • Cracked heels and sandals are never a good combination, but they can be fixed with a deeply moisturizing cream until the cracks heal.
    • When they have, exfoliate with a scrub to keep dead skin from building up and cracking again.
  3. Always apply a quality moisturizer before going to bed.
  4. Trim your nails regularly, but don’t cut them too short to prevent ingrown toenails.

Other things to keep in mind when caring for your feet:

  • Wear well-fitting shoes.
  • Do not wear high heels every day. They are bad for your feet and for several other parts of your body.
  • Examine your feet regularly to quickly detect any problems, lesions, or changes in appearance. Use a compact mirror if needed.
  • Never ignore a foot problem; seek medical attention promptly.

Tips to Deal With Common Foot Issues


To treat this fungal infection, also called athlete’s foot, wear cotton or bamboo socks and buy an over-the-counter antifungal cream or spray.


Make sure to dry your feet properly after showering, then apply tea tree oil, or another antifungal/antiseptic treatment. Be sure to stretch and spread your bare toes to let the air get to them.


Do daily exercises to strengthen foot muscles, such as spreading toes apart; lifting the big toe while keeping the others down; and relaxing the big toe while raising the others. It helps to wear wider, deeper shoes to give toes more space.


Organise regular check-ups with your podiatrist, as you would your dentist or optometrist. These can be crucial in identifying underlying health issues such as diabetes or heart problems.