Cucumber hydrosol benefits include hydrating skin, skin-boosting nutrients, soothing irritation, reducing inflammation, and anti-aging properties (1). If you suffer from dehydrated, dull, irritated, or saggy skin, hydration is very important. A cucumber hydrosol can truly bring your skin back from the living dead.
Hydrosols, also known as “flower waters,” are produced by distilling fresh leaves, fruits, flowers, and other plant materials. Hydrosols are what’s leftover from the cucumber essential oil-making process. They contain a lot of the same plant compounds as an essential oil but in a much less concentrated form (2). This makes cucumber hydrosol benefits ideal for those who have sensitive skin.
Similar to helichrysum hydrosol, cucumber can help balance the skin by reducing facial redness or dryness. Cucumbers contain 96% water, and when used in a hydrosol will help your skin become the softest and most hydrated it’s ever been (3). A hydrated complexion looks more plump, healthy and youthful-looking.
It also helps to combat oiliness since dehydrated skin produces more oil because it is compensating for a lack of moisture. Having an adequately hydrated face will help to improve skin elasticity which will reduce the appearance of wrinkles
Cucumber has skincare benefits including vitamin C and caffeic acid, which both fights to reduce inflamed or irritated skin (4). Cucumber has silica, a compound that helps to lighten dark circles and spots. They help fight oxidative stress leaving you with clear and soft skin.

Cucumber Hydrosol Benefits
Free radicals can damage the skin and causes damage to our skin’s DNA that can speed along skin aging. Cucumber hydrosol benefits contain antioxidants, including flavonoids and tannins, which prevent the accumulation of harmful free radicals and reduce the visible signs of aging on the skin (5).
There are many factors that contribute to dehydrated skin. These factors include environmental irritants, a change in season, not drinking enough water, or even using harmful or moisture-stripping products. Ceramides make up the skin’s natural moisture barrier, as we age and are exposed to water and sunlight, the ceramides decrease and the skin starts to show signs of dryness and ultimately wrinkles. Cucumber’s high water content makes it naturally hydrating. Ascorbic and caffeic acid are the two vital compounds in cucumber hydrosols that help prevent water loss from the skin.
Cucumber hydrosols are packed with nutrients that are essential for your body, like magnesium, potassium, vitamins A, B1, and C, and biotin. These are the same vitamins that help keep your skin looking young and vibrant. Magnesium helps restore and facilitates safe and effective detoxification and encourages healthy skin tissue growth. One of the reasons why many people suffer from dry skin is due to the deficiency of potassium. Potassium keeps the skin moisturized and hydrated internally. While biotin helps to improve the appearance of hair, skin, and nails.
Cucumber hydrosols can also help keep your skin firm. Elastin works to retain your skin’s youthful appearance. Cucumbers inhibit the breakdown of elastin by the enzyme elastase, thus working to build collagen, tighten skin and support cell wall renewal. It can tighten loose and saggy skin without the risk of side effects or allergic reactions.
Cucumber hydrosols contain natural sunscreen capabilities. The protection is due to flavonoids, tannins, and Vitamin C. The antioxidants mentioned earlier work to combat cell-damaging free radicals generated by UV rays (6). Cucumber hydrosols are also loaded with lots of nutrients like water, potassium, sulfate, and vitamins A and C that soothe skin conditions like sunburns.
Cucumber hydrosols can actually lower sebum levels significantly. What causes acne is when this oily substance interacts with bacteria and dead skin cells, clogging up pores and eventually leading to breakouts. The hydrosol can work to reduce sebum levels, fighting against the catalyst for acne (7). Cucumbers also have the same pH as your skin, creating a balance that may keep acne at bay. The astringent property of cucumber hydrosols helps to cure the acne and lightens the appearance of acne by reducing redness and pain.
The ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) and caffeic acid in cucumber hydrosols work together to help prevent water retention. It has natural calming and cooling effects to reduce redness and inflammation. If your skin is swollen or puffy, cucumber hydrosols can be used to reduce symptoms. Cucumber hydrosols contain calming and anti-inflammatory properties that help soothe blemishes and minor skin irritations (8). This is great for reducing inflammation related to acne, sunburn, bug bites, skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. They can help keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful.
Some people naturally have soft, smooth skin, while others have to work for it. Cucumber hydrosols are considered skin conditioning. They contain the enzyme erepsin, which has skin-softening properties. Helping to keep skin super soft and conditioning the skin so it looks and feels great over time.
In the hot summer months, cool skin relief is needed. Even during activities like exercising having a cooling fast mist with skin-boosting nutrients can be extremely helpful. Cucumber hydrosols cool stressed or tired skin. It makes a perfect cooling spritz with a fresh and crisp enjoyable scent.
How to Make Cucumber Hydrosol
Knowing how to make a cucumber hydrosol can save your skin and some money. Hydrosols are generally considered to be gentler and safer to use than their essential oils counterparts. But learning how to make a cucumber hydrosol can take some time. It isn’t as simple as mixing essential oil and water. It’s actually derived from the steam distillation of chopped up cucumbers.
To make a pure hydrosol you must distill the cucumber and properly set up your DIY distiller to ensure you are truly capturing the cucumber’s essence. Check out our complete guide on how to make a hydrosol spray to learn how to make a cucumber hydrosol.
How to Use Cucumber Hydrosol
- Use it in combination with a face or body oil to help the oil absorb into the skin.
- Mix it with clay or oatmeal for a truly soothing homemade face mask.
- Spritz your face 3 to 4 times a day to replenish your skin. This will keep your skin plump, nourished, hydrated, and looking its absolute best.
- You can make your homemade lotions and creams even more decadent by replacing the water in the recipe with cucumber hydrosol.
- Use it to balance your skin’s pH after cleansing. Most of the water in our homes is neutral or slightly alkaline, whereas the acid mantle of our skin has an optimal pH of 5.5, which is slightly acidic and helps to inhibit the growth of bacteria on the skin.
- Cotton pads soaked in cucumber hydrosol can help reduce red, puffy eyes when fresh cucumber slices aren’t available.
- Use it in place of water when you mix powdered masks for added benefits.
- Add a few tablespoons of cucumber hydrosol to facial steam for a hydrating experience.
- Use cucumber hydrosol as a facial toner for oily breakout-prone skin.

Cucumber hydrosols can be used in an endless number of ways. To help soothe dry, itchy skin and keep it soft and happy, cucumber hydrosol provides quick relief. They are incredibly soothing to skin with minor burns. If you’ve got a small burn, just spritz on the affected skin to help soothe any redness.
They can be used undiluted on the skin for adults, children, pregnant and nursing women, the elderly, and even most pets. With almost no cautions, cucumber hydrosol is truly perfect for a first-use item if you’re a beginning hydrosol user.