11 Great Gingelly Oil Benefits for Hair

When it comes to an all-in-one natural hair treatment, Gingelly oil can be considered as the best one. The golden-yellow colored liquid extracted from the Gingelly seeds is loaded with essential vitamins, minerals and other nutrients and hence, it has multipurpose uses for our hair.

11 Incredible Fucoidan Seaweed Benefits

Fucoidan seaweed benefits are known for its potential to combat a variety of health issues including obesity, diabetes, and inflammation. Many experts now believe that fucoidan is one of the key nutrients responsible for the exceptionally long and healthy lives enjoyed by the residents of Okinawa, Japan.

11 Amazing Bedana Fruit Benefits

Bedana fruit benefits (pomegranates) are one of the oldest known medicinal foods on the planet.  Foods that have an incredible array of health benefits that go well beyond just their nutrient value are considered “super-foods.”

21 Inner Fillet Aloe Vera Juice Benefits

Inner Fillet Aloe Vera juice benefits range from the external—as a skin treatment—to the internal—like oxygenating the body and maintaining a good immune system. Working its magic from the inside, aloe vera has the power to improve our health by aiding the body in a number of ways.

15 Wonderful Mamey Fruit Health Benefits

Mamey fruit health benefits are not a fruit that you often come across.  However, this fruit has got the ability to deliver a range of health benefits for the people who live out there in the world. If you can get to know about these benefits, you will never ignore Mamey fruit. Instead, you will make an effort to find the fruit and consume it on a daily basis. 

Why is My Hair So Staticy? We Have 11 Answers.

Winter begins and suddenly hair turns into some sort of science project. As humidity goes below 60%, static takes its place. The elements, lack of moisture in the air, and heated indoor environments all play a part in in hair, especially staticy hair. Frizz and fly-aways happen to the best of us