5 Expert Ways to Improve Your Posture With Resistance Bands

I prefer to include what I dub fitness toys into my workouts in order to make things more interesting. I’m referring to Bosu balls, battle ropes (only when I’m feeling extra fierce), and resistance bands, which in addition to being great ways to sculpt, are also superstars that aid in body alignment and not to mention posture. Having good posture is mostly about a little more than looking good. It can help one to develop strength, flexibility, and balance within your body.

Engaging with a resistance band is among the quickest methods to ignite your core and upper back, the primary muscle groups that support good posture. Proper posture also reduces stress on your muscles and ligaments, which might minimize the risk of injury. While weights can pull you down because they are often heavier, any action that creates tension utilizing a band focuses on strength and postural stability without the added task of fighting against the weight of a weight. Improving your posture also ensures that you become more mindful of your muscles, making it easier to correct your posture.

As you work on your posture and become more mindful of your whole body, you could possibly even notice some imbalances or areas of tightness you weren’t previously cognizant of. So resistance bands turn out to be useful for anyone of us who sit in front of computers or look down at our phones all day long (ahem: everyone). Between crossing our legs and Netflix marathons, the relationship we have with postural muscles may have flickered out after some time, leaving our bodies vulnerable to spinal deterioration and chronic pain. This can be bad for your posture, and over time causes your shoulders to hunch forward, which can lead to neck and shoulder injuries. Using resistance bands to strengthen your back muscles is extremely important and easy because you have the ability to take the band anywhere—just toss it in your bag.

Getting that perfect spine back isn’t likely to be a quick fix. You’ll need consistency, awareness, and dedication. What makes resistance bands so beneficial for your posture happens to be the tugging action—certain movements, which without a doubt incorporate resistance, work the specific muscles that are vital to holding yourself upright. The motion of pulling the bands apart creates resistance, causing it to be difficult for your arms to take control and forcing you to take advantage of your upper back muscles, specifically your lats. Activating and strengthening your lats will give you the ability to hold your shoulders back and down apart from your ears, creating better posture.

Another method to further improve your posture is to concentrate on exercises that strengthen your core — the abdominal and low back muscles that connect to your spinal column and pelvis. Taking some time at the gym and during the day can make a huge difference in assisting you to feel better, avoid injuries, and achieve your fitness goals.

5 Expert Ways to Improve Your Posture With Resistance Bands

1. Lift and lower

Climb onto the band with both of your feet and hold directly onto the ends of the band by your sides. Having the bands behind you, fully stand up straight with good posture, pulling the band in the reverse direction while lifting it as high as you are able to. The closer your hands are, the harder the move will be. Pro tip: If your shoulders feel strained move the bands further apart.

With your palms facing backward, lift your arms up and down while holding the tension on the band so you feel your arm and back muscles working. Make certain that just your arms are moving, and your core stays supported through the entire motion. Repeat 10 to 20 times, and try to increase your range of motion throughout the entire round.

2. Bow and Arrow Stretches:

Fold a resistance band and keep both of the loose ends together in your left hand. Keep the folded side in your right palm and create a fist. Stand up straight with your feet somewhat wider than shoulder-width apart, your knees locked, and your toes pointing outward. Lift the band to chest level and extend your left arm straight out to the side with your palm facing down. From this position, drive your right elbow straight out to your right side, stretching the band across your chest as you do this. With control, bring your right hand back in front of your left shoulder to release some of the tension in the band. That’s one rep. Complete 10 to 15 reps, then repeat throughout the opposite side.

3. Reverse flies

This option begins in the same position as the lift and lower. With your palms facing backward, press the band behind you, keeping tension on the band. Turn your head over the right shoulder, back to center, and then to the left. When turning your head, you should feel a stretch. Once you’ve finished the neck rotation, bring your head back to center and arms back to the starting position, keeping your chest open. Then repeat the movement, this time turning your head towards the left first. Perform this sequence five to 10 times on each side.

4. Tricep Band Extensions

Stand up straight with your feet about hip-width apart. Wrap one end of a resistance band around your right hand, and reach your right arm up on top of your head to allow the band to trail down your back with your right elbow extended to the side and your right palm facing forward. With your left hand, reach behind your back and loop the bottom end of the band around your left hand, turning your left palm to face behind you. Keeping your left-hand level with your lower back and your chest open, extend your right elbow and engage your upper back and right tricep to stretch the band straight upward toward the ceiling. Release with control while you bend your right elbow and return into the starting position. Complete 10 to 15 reps, then reverse hands and repeat the same number using the opposite arm raised.

5. Eagle Arm Twists

Hold one end of the resistance band in each hand along your sides. Stand on the center of the band with both of your feet together. Your toes and gaze should be facing forward. Using this position, exhale while you twist from the waist to open your whole upper body towards the right as you simultaneously lift both arms out to the sides and up to shoulder-level, keeping your elbows locked and palms facing down the entire time. Next, inhale while you slowly bring your arms back down to your sides with control and turn your upper body returning to starting position. That’s one rep. Complete 10 to 15 reps, then repeat the same number twisting towards the opposite side.

Good posture does more than just bring your body into proper alignment, it can also bring a whole host of other benefits which include improving confidence, flexibility, athletic performance, and overall well-being. Poor posture can contribute to tension headaches, resulting from increased muscle tension behind the neck. Often should we correct our posture, we can easily reduce muscle tension and improve our headaches. When your bones and joints are really in correct alignment, it allows the muscles to be utilized as they’re intended, so you’ll have less fatigue and a lot more energy.

Having poor posture can put more stress on certain muscles and joints, forcing them to be overworked and causing them to fatigue. When we practice good posture, the muscles, ligaments, joints, and skeleton are really in balance; that is, no one part of the musculoskeletal system is bearing more than its fair share of your body weight.

Poor posture, alternatively, places excess stress on the spine and plays a role in muscle imbalances, chronic pain, and degenerative diseases of the joints. Correcting your posture may feel awkward to begin with because your body has grown to be so used to sitting and standing in a particular way. But with a bit of practice, good posture will definitely grow to be second nature and be 1 step to helping your back forever.

Essentially from the points above, there are plenty of great reasons to maintain proper posture. Research investigating the connection between posture and emotion has revealed that good posture can help you feel better. Posture affects our emotions and thoughts, and vice versa. Slouching makes it easier to think negative thoughts while sitting or standing in a powerful, upright position encourages empowering thoughts.

Standing tall versus scrunching up also means that you occupy more space and radiate more energy to others, which in turn can help you feel more more confident.