5 Essential Herbs To Add In Your Next Face Mask

Face masks hold a special place in our skin routines. Cleansing gets us going in the morning, hydrosols give our skin that hydrated coveted glow and facial oils keep us moisturized day in and day out. But face masks allow us to kick back, relax, and let our skin soak in the goodness.

If you want clear, glowing skin, consider skipping the beauty aisle at the drugstore and head for your spice and herb rack instead. Depending on the ingredients, face masks can draw out impurities, brighten your skin tone, or help diminish the appearance of wrinkles.

The skin is the largest organ of the body and it envelopes us, inside and out. As true as this is, there are deeper secrets to the skin. Herbs are nature’s medicine, and each holds its own unique power. Your skin loves herbs, and masks give it a chance to receive more benefits

Everyday our skin is exposed to toxins and dirt. It needs to be thoroughly cleansed and nourished and one of the best ways to do is with an herbal face mask. If you’re tired of dealing with congested pores that result in constant breakouts then an herbal face mask is a great way to open up your pores and clear out dirt and debris for clearer, smoother skin.

Benefits of Adding Herbs to DIY Face Masks

  1. Nourishes the skin. Herbs supply essential nutrients to the skin.
  2. Helps to reduce, acne, pimple, scars, and marks.
  3. It provides a soothing and relaxing effect on the skin.
  4. Restores the lost shine and glow of the skin.
  5. Regular use adds glow to the skin, improves skin texture, and complexion.
  6. Prevents premature aging of the skin.
  7. Reduces the formation of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging of the skin.

Essential Herbs To Add In Your Next Face Mask

1. Calendula

Calendula officinalis, known for its calming, anti-inflammatory, and skin healing properties help decrease skin irritation and inflammation of sensitive and acne-prone skin. Effective in treating sunburn, acne, eczema, inflamed skin, and rashes it also nourishes and softens skin. 

DIY CLEAR SKIN: Aloe, Burdock Root and Calendula Face Mask!

2. Rosemary

Rosmarinus officinalis is an antioxidant that enhances skin elasticity and prevents premature aging, as an essential oil.When absorbed by the skin, Rosemary enhances sluggish blood flow and aids digestion. The herb’s mild astringent properties make it ideal for oily, normal, and combination skin.

Rosemary Clay Face Mask - Beauty DIY | Bowl Of Herbs

3. Turmeric

Turmeric is at its best as a mask. It brightens the skin and soothes acne and other skin irritations. If you do not get all the color of turmeric away from your skin, make an oil purifier. The color of turmeric is oil-soluble and will not remain on the skin if used with an oil cleanser.

DIY Turmeric Face Mask! Fight Acne and Fade Scars!| BiancaReneeToday

4. Lavender

Lavendula officinalis, has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties that can be helpful for those suffering from acne. Its ability to balance oil production makes it a great choice for those with combination skin. It helps calm stressed skin, increases blood circulation reduces local pain on inflamed skin, stimulates the growth of new skin cells and promotes healing.

Homemade Lavender Face Mask - DIY | Bowl Of Herbs

5. Neem

Azadirachta indica, naturally astringent, antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal has been recognized in ancient Ayurvedic texts. Its leaves and bark are used to heal rashes, minor wounds, and a myriad of skin conditions.

Remove Pimples & Acne Scars with Neem Face Wash, Scrub and Mask and Gel Cream

You already know that many foods can keep your skin and hair healthy, but herbs also contain amazing benefits for your looks. You can use herbal powders, teas, tinctures, leaves, or roots. Herbs and flower preparations have been used for centuries for both men’s and women’s facial care, to help treat skin problems, improve skin quality, and enhance the skin’s appearance.