Acupressure has found 3 pressure points to debloat and effectively help regulate the digestive system and strengthen its ability to break down food, absorb nutrients, and eliminate waste. Acupressure is extremely effective at treating a vast array of digestive disorders such as acid reflux (GERD), distended belly, gas and bloating.
Acupressure is an ancient healing art that’s based on the traditional Chinese medicine practice of acupuncture. With acupressure, you put pressure on specific places on your body. These places are called acupoints. Pressing these points can help release muscle tension and promote blood circulation.
In our modern society – we have forgotten the basic need to eat and consume nutritious and healthy food. Many of us now eat from packaged food, full of preservatives, which can affect our digestive system. Many of us walk around – and do not focus our attention on eating correctly. We shove down food and hurry to our next appointment or task. See: How To Eat Mindfully By Listening To Your Body
In the acupuncture culture – meal time is a time of congregation – its time to sit down, chat, socilaize and share food. Mealtime means that you sit and chat and allow your food time to digest. The philosophical and clinical roots of Chinese medicine did not have words for the enzymes, minerals, bacteria, and other catalysts that we now know to be an important part of the digestive process. Nonetheless, modern medicine has found 3 pressure points to debloat in Acupressure.
To learn more about pressure points to debloat check out this video from healthy hueman, motivationaldoc, Dr. Mandell has helped hundreds of thousands of people worldwide with his self-help videos to get well naturally, without the use of drugs, dangerous side effects, and invasive procedures. His years of experience through spinal biomechanics (the study of the mechanical laws relating to the movement or structure of living organisms) and nutritional background is what sets him apart from all others.
3 Pressure Points To Debloat And Boost Digestion
Zusanli (ST36)
Zusanli, also identified as ST36, is found on the stomach meridian and is believed to control:
- top abdominal organs
- parasympathetic nervous system
- control energy
Point location: About 3 inches under the kneecap, about 1 inch near the outer edge.
To press this point:
- Place two fingers on the zusanli point.
- Move fingers in a round movement using mild, firm pressure.
- Press for 2–3 minutes and repeat on the other leg.
2. Qihai (CV6)
Qihai, also referred to as CV6, is found on the conception vessel meridian and is believed to influence:
- lower abdominal organs
- overall energy
Point location: Roughly 1 1/2 inches below the navel.
To press this point:
- Place two to three fingers on the point position.
- Using moderate pressure, move fingers in a round movement. Make sure not to push too hard, as this area can be delicate.
- Massage for 2–3 minutes.
3. Sanyinjiao (SP6)
Sanyinjiao, also identified as SP6, is found on the spleen meridian and is understood to control:
- lower abdominal organs
- parasympathetic nervous system
Point location: About 3 inches above the bone of the inner ankle.
To press this point:
- Place one to two fingers on the sanyinjiao point.
- Roll fingers in a round movement using mild, firm pressure.
- Massage for 2–3 minutes and replicate on the other leg.
Other ways to reduce bloating
Eating too much is a common and easily avoidable cause of bloating. See: 7 Ways to Boost Digestion You Never Knew Existed + [Video]
Swallowing too much air while eating or drinking is also a common culprit. It’s normal to swallow a little air at mealtimes, but if we gulp down our food at a rapid rate or (worse) talk with our mouths full, we leave ourselves vulnerable to excess gas finding its way into our gut.
Making an attempt to correctly chew every piece can help to slow down our spoonfuls and lend a helping hand to our digestive system in the process. This also has the added advantage of providing our body more time to recognize when it’s full – decreasing the possibility that we’ll overeat.
Fizzy drinks are one of the most common bloating offenders. They contain bubbles of carbon dioxide which are quickly released once in the gut.
Though fiber is a treat for our gut, some high-fiber foods are especially gassy when broken down, and may aggravate sensitive stomachs. Major players include legumes (beans and lentils); onions and garlic; and cruciferous veggies such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.
If you speculate bread is to cause for your bloat, try a sourdough variation. This ‘live’ loaf is made with helpful bacteria that work to predigest the gluten, making it gentler on troubled stomachs.
Probiotic supplements including Lactobacillus strains may help to ward off annoying bloat by helping to aid healthy digestive function as well as regular bowel movements. See: Common Gut Issues and How to Treat Them